Instructions for Authors
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ARA Newsletter Manuscript Submission Editors Instructions for Authors Reviewer Guidelines ________________________ JOURNAL DETAILS Discipline: Interdisciplinary Abbreviation: J.A.R. Language: English Edited by: Denise Alvarado ISSN: ISSN request pending Start Year: 2020 Frequency Goal: Annual Published Articles: In press |
Authors should read the editorial policy and publication ethics before submitting their manuscripts. Authors should also use the appropriate reporting guidelines in preparing their manuscripts. Research Ethics Studies involving human subjects should be conducted according to the World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. Studies involving non human animals should follow appropriate ethical guidelines such as the Animal Welfare Act, The Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act (Amendment) Order 1993, The EU parliament directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, ARRP policies and guidelines, etc. Reporting guideline Responsible reporting of research studies, which includes a complete, transparent, accurate and timely account of what was done and what was found during a research study, is an integral part of good research and publication practice and not an optional extra. See additional guidelines for reporting of health research. Preparing your manuscript The type of article should determine the manuscript structure. However, the general structure for articles should follow the IMRAD structure. Title The title phrase should be brief. List authors’ full names (first-name, middle-name, and last-name). Affiliations of authors (department and institution). Emails and phone numbers Abstract The abstract should be less than 300 words. Abstract may be presented either in unstructured or structured format. The keywords should be less than 10. Abbreviations Abbreviation should be used only for nonstandard and very long terms. The Introduction The statement of the problem should be stated in the introduction in a clear and concise manner. Materials and methods Materials and methods should be clearly presented to allow the reproduction of the experiments. Results and discussion Results and discussion maybe combined into a single section. Results and discussion may also be presented separately if necessary. Disclosure of conflict of interest Authors should disclose all financial/relevant interest that may have influenced the study. Acknowledgments Acknowledgement of people, funds etc should be brief. Tables and figures
References References should be listed in an alphabetical order at the end of the paper. DOIs, PubMed IDs and links to referenced articles should be stated wherever available. Examples: Baumert J, Kunter M, Blum W, Brunner M, Voss T, Jordan A, Klusmann U, Krauss S, Neubrand M, Tsai YM (2010). Teachers` mathematical knowledge, cognitive activation in the classroom, and student progress. Am. Educ. Res. J. 47(1):133-180. Christopoulous DK, Tsionas EG (2004). "Finacial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Panel Unit Root and Cointegration Tests" J. Dev.Econ. pp.55-74 Goren A, Laufer J, Yativ N, Kuint J, Ben Ackon M, Rubinshtein M, Paret G, Augarten A (2001). Transillumination of the palm for venipuncture in infants. Pediatric. Emerg. Care 17:130-131. PMid:11334094 Mishra A, Mishra SC (2001). Cost-effective diagnostic nasal endoscopy with modified otoscope. J. Laryngol. Otol. 115:648-649. PMid:11535147 Acceptance Certificate Authors are issued an Acceptance Certificate for manuscripts that have been reviewed and accepted for publication by an editor. Proofs Prior to publication, a proof is sent to the corresponding author. Authors are advised to read the proof and correct minor typographical or grammatical errors. Authors should promptly return proofs to the editorial office. Publication Once proofs are received at the editorial office, the manuscripts are usually included in the next issue of the journal. The article will thereafter be published on the journal’s website. Publication Notification After the article is made available on the journal’s website, a publication notice is sent to the corresponding author with links to the issue and article. We welcome manuscripts edited by the following organizations: